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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I need to change the color of my gloves

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I think there was a thread on this but i couldn't find it. I need to change the color of my gloves, what paints/ chemicals would i need to use? i need to change them from blue/white to black and they are leather if that matters. any help would be great, thanks.

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I'll bet a shoe repair guy could do wonders for you.

I'm going to second this one. My dad was a shoe repairman before he retired. He must have dyed a dozen or so pairs of hockey gloves and one set of goalie pads that I know of. They turned out great as the finishes and coatings he had access to were so concentrated that they could cover practically any colour. Most of the gloves were done to solid colours but he did dye parts of a red glove black (for a two tone look) and changed the white on a black and white glove to silver.

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