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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New glove problem

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Ok today when I went to my lhs I picked up some all white X6 eagles. They feel amazing but I have a couple concerns. One of the cuffs is longer than the other as shown. ( the cirled part is whats longer lol not to cause any confusion)


Also If I were to bake these what tempeture would I set my oven at and how long would I leave them in for and are the new palm style holding up? I have never seen them before on eagles.

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That one area would be the most likely to take slashes and such.

My X70's felt great after about a half hour of use.

Can't help you on the palms, sorry.

BTW, nice gloves.

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Hmm, maybe for your lower hand? Is it a lot longer or just a little? It could just be the way it's sewn in.

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hmm id say about half an inch longer. Really it just seems like it will be more protective this way I guess im just a little paranoid after dropping 100 dollars on gloves.

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Actually now that I look at it they do look like they have been sewn in at different angles. I baked my gloves for 4 minutes on 165 but they werent hot enough so I put the tempeture up to 175 and left them in for another 3 minutes and they feel amazing. They already feel better than my hgts. Im sortof having buyers remorse because whenever I spend my own money I awalys think maybe I could still use my old gloves. Actually I probly could have but they feel nasty on the inside they are crusty and the padding is pilling im pretty sure thats what its called so I just bought new.

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