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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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st. loius curve

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went to lhs, and looked at an old xxx, with a st. louis p71, and it didnt look much like a forsberg, i had put a xxx lite on hold at another store, but i wanna kno if the old xxx has a diff curve than the new, isnt it spose to be pm9?


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On most new XXX Lites, I think all the NBH branded ones, the PM9 pattern is named St. Louis and a Forsberg/Modo clone.

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in new NBH (2006) St. Louis is the PM9 which is a forsberg clone. P71 is a mid, and was known as the Clarck and the Peca previously. With NBH, you need to pay more attention to the letter-number codes than names, as they change names from one code to another from time to time.

edit: nbh lists a higher lie on the pm9 (6, as opposed to easton's 5), but it's the same (5) in the pattern db. I'm trading for a vapor xxx this week, so i'll be able to compare the lies when I get it .

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Actually, the PM9 is NOT exactly like the Modano, but is more of a slight mid curve with a slightly open face. If anything, it is similiar to the Warrior Federov curve. But the lie is indeed a 5, not 6 as listed by other online retail sites. If you are looking for a good 5 lie blade, also look into the Easton Heatley curve. A deeper mid curve than the PM9, but a closed face.

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Actually, the PM9 is NOT exactly like the Modano, but is more of a slight mid curve with a slightly open face. If anything, it is similiar to the Warrior Federov curve. But the lie is indeed a 5, not 6 as listed by other online retail sites. If you are looking for a good 5 lie blade, also look into the Easton Heatley curve. A deeper mid curve than the PM9, but a closed face.

I agree. That's why I like the PM9 so much better than the Modo/Forsberg. I also think the PM9 is a little longer.

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