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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Curve Question! Hasn't been asked before

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I have an Easton Ultra ABS stick. It is yellow and is the Forsberg pattern.... It is unique, not like the composites which have no curve at all. It is also available in a Sr Orange. Does anybody know which curve is closest to this? Any help would be appreciated. It is more of a huge mid heel curve. Any pics would rock too. Thanks Guys!

I am absolutely in love this curve.

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Keep in mind that the ABS and woods have a bigger hook than the composites, which are more consistant. I have that stick that you are talking about in my store and it is quite a hook.

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Keep in mind that the ABS and woods have a bigger hook than the composites, which are more consistant. I have that stick that you are talking about in my store and it is quite a hook.

Thanks JR. I know it is a hook, that's why I'm asking. What is that ABS Curve closest to in composite. Thanks

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warrior smyth?

that one's pretty close. that's actually the next blade i'm going to get, i'm not a huge fan of my sakic right now.

the smyth isn't as mid as the one he's talking about though. the robitallie is closer.

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