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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Problems with NikeBauer Supreme 70's

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I have a pair of Supreme 70's. When they arrived, the cosmetic stiching piece--looks like it's made of rubber--that is found between the toe cap and the start fo the boot material had cuts or cracks in it. This is purly cosmetic, and not worth taking the time to send it in for repair and/or replacement. Now, though, I have noticed that on one skate there are cracks next to the rear two rivits on the heel of the holder. The cracks are not all the way through the holder, but due to the clear nature of it, you can see them plain as day. My question is this: if those cracks grow (likely they will) will that matter considering the rest of the rivits in the heel? IF so, can i just replace the holder with something else, say regualr Tuuks, without any problem?

On a side note, these skates are great. They are very responsive, they break in fast, they are light, and seem to offer plenty of protection. On a downside, the clear holders look like they have a pink hue in certain lighting conditions. So that is a negative...

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I have a pair and I changed the LS2s with Tuuks Custom+s. They had to perform some drilling as all of the holes did not match up perfectly. One set (either the front or back set) did, the others did not because the LS2s are longer.

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The only problem i'm having with mine is that they are severely cutting the sides of my ankles, about the top eyelit. Is anyone else having a simillar problem or does anyone have any idea on how to make this stop.

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Make sure that your ankle area is covered...a Bunga pad is good for something like that. When I used to skate Bauer back in the day I would have that problem - I skated barefoot then - I would cut up a tube sock and tape it around that area.

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I wear long socks that come to my knee, i've started tapeing around it and it's still cutting the shit out of me. I dont want to put to much "extra" material down there because even thou they cut me, i skate great in them.

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