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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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dumb question

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I have bauer 4000 shoulder pads and forgot if they are medium or large, the size says S/P im pretty sure they are large but am ordering new ones and dont know which size. Thanks.

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I really don't get how we can help you out on this one.

But S/P usually means small, but if you're sure they're medium or large just get one and if it doesn't fit then return them for the other size.

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I'm so confused... S/P means SMALL, not shoulder pad. Go to your LHS and look at their selection of Protective gear. What will small say? Oh, I dunno, S/P. And while you're there, you can try on the large Bauer 4000's and see if they fit like your small "large" pads.

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I think they use SP (without the slash) in the sku or product code.

For sizes, I've often seen them listed in English/French (and they're in larger font behind the neck, on the elastic strap on the sides, on the belly flap, etc):

S/P = Small/Petit (as Cavs already stated)

M/M = Medium/Moyen

L/G = Large/Grand


There's a pic of the Bauer 4000 at http://www.hockeygiant.com/bau4kspsr.html

There's an "L/G" on one of the side straps (as Jbyun also pointed out). That should be the size.

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It stands for Small/Petit......which i believe is french for small.

ah i forgot about the french

You shouldn't! :D Lol

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