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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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nike backpack bag

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has anyone used one of these?

i have a gear one with team name and stuff on it but my dad washed it and fucked it up.

i think this bag looks nice, and its bigger then the gear one.

have any of you all used this kind of bag?

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It's small. I'd say it would be better for adult roller hockey, or youth ice hockey. I can barely fit all of my ice hockey gear in it--I really have to cram it in there. Even when stretched to the max, the opening is still very tight. It's difficult to get your ice pants in (I wear a small or medium).

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They're great for roller hockey but you'll have a hard time fitting a full set of adult ice hockey gear in there.

I have this bag for my roller stuff and I love it. Compared to the backpacks I've used and/or sold (Kuzak, Sherwood, Hyper, Mission) its lighter, holds more, and has higher quality materials. I've used it for almost a whole year now and its still in great shape.

It could probably fit a younger guys gear ok but if you wear size bulky senior ice gear this really isn't an option.

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Perfect size for roller gear, but the shoulderpads required for ice puts it over the top.

Just wish I could get it in all black, would be alot more subtle than the blue/orange version I have now, would make it less apparent while riding the train... other than that, great backpack for roller.

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