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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy Pattern/Taper

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Hey guys, I have an Easton Synergy, I'm not sure what kind it is. It's an intermediate 75 flex 420 grams. With blue around the Synergy logo. The blade broke and I was wondering if it tapers, (I can't really tell) because I'm getting a blade. I also was wondering if they still have Modano for replacement blades, they don't have it on their website. If they don't make it anymore, what would be the closest pattern (Lie 5). Thanks

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Modano, is now named Forsberg. You need a Synergy II/Synthesis Intermediate Tapered Blade for it, I would have your lhs cut the shaft and put the blade in if you dont know how to do it.

Or just get a new stick.

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It's my brothers stick and he wants to be absolutely sure that the lie is 5 because we're ordering it (we get deals because of a rep we know). Are you sure it tapers?

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You just need to make sure that you cut it at the right spot. start from about 4" up from the heel of the blade and keep cutting a little bit at a time until the opening is hollow. (when you do it it will make more sense).

And yes, the modano was renamed the forsberg, and still has a Lie of 5. (It's also my pattern of choice)

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The best thing to do is hold the blade and tap down the shaft, starting from the heel untill it's hollow. Thats where you cut it. If it's a cresent moon ))) synergy which it probably is you should be fine length wise. If it's an older '02 lined synergy you may just want to chuck the whole stick.

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