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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How to get picturs on computer

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i havent done this in a long time, and i just plugged it in. i dont remember if something popped up, but its plugged in and the camera is on.

any help for me?

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If your software doesn't pop up and automatically start transfering pictures...you should be able to go to My Computer and click on the Drive letter (on my machine the camera takes K:) and Cut/Copy/Drag the files to whatever drive/folder you want them in.

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You can always just plug it in via USB. You should get a popup that says "new hardware found". From there, go to "My Computer" and look for the camera there in the first window that opens. Open that and you should see 2 folders. Click on the one on the left and it will bring up all the picutures in .jpg form. You can just copy them from there.

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You can always just plug it in via USB. You should get a popup that says "new hardware found". From there, go to "My Computer" and look for the camera there in the first window that opens. Open that and you should see 2 folders. Click on the one on the left and it will bring up all the picutures in .jpg form. You can just copy them from there.

ive been plugging it in through usb, it doesnt say anything about new hardware found. it does that when i plug in my ipod though

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You can always just plug it in via USB. You should get a popup that says "new hardware found". From there, go to "My Computer" and look for the camera there in the first window that opens. Open that and you should see 2 folders. Click on the one on the left and it will bring up all the picutures in .jpg form. You can just copy them from there.

ive been plugging it in through usb, it doesnt say anything about new hardware found. it does that when i plug in my ipod though

Make sure you turn the power to your camera off when you plug it in. Then turn it on after its plugged in.

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