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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Painting a One Peice or Shaft Black

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Hi guys, I am new to the board, but I have read through the boards at corebeam.net when it was around as well as the Easton Message board.

Anyway I need help on painting some one peice sticks and maybe even the easton shafts I have got lying around the house. I would like to paint them black, so is there any special paint to use or process to go about doing this properly? I know this topic was mentioned on corebeam.net but I cannot remember what it was all about.

Thanks for any help you can provide. ;)

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I just used black spraypaint. I put about 3 or 4 coats on, and it looks great. I havnt used it in a game yet so I dont know how it would hold up, but it seems nice.

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Thanks for the input. I was just worried that some spray paints may weaken or ruin the integrity of the shaft or blade. When I use to play goal, they use to always say that you had to use a specific type of paint to paint a goalie helmet, otherwise some paints may just turn the fiberglass into mush. I thought that some paints may have the same effect on carbon composite, kevelar shafts etc.

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I've used basic spraypaint and never noticed a problem with the integrity being compromised, especially if the stick has a coating of its own.

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I used spray paint to match the color of a R2 composite blade to a novius shaft and its held up fine so far. I put like 4 coats of paint and 4 coats a clear coat. I only paint the hosel down to the base of the blade.

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