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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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My current cage on my helmet (FM3000) really gets in the way of my vision. Are there any other cages available? are cages like the FM8000 really that much of an improvement? What about clear full visors? this is for inline hockey.



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I've never used a clear full cage myself, but I know of people who have had issues with scratching and marks left by errant sticks and whatnot. I had a 1/2 shield on my helmet for 1 season of ice and i had to take real good care of it, wrapping it in a towel and whatnot to keep it from getting scratched.

I bought a NBH 8500 Oval wire cage about a month ago for an inline league where full protection is required. This is the replacement cage for the 8000 cage and if I'm not mistaken, uses the same design, but with "oval" wires instead of round ones. If you go to a LHS to see it you will know what I mean. The cage is a huge improvement over my 4000 cage. It's lighter, has a floating chincup and has great vision. I am so happy with it that I traded away my visor and plan to use the full cage full-time.

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Yea stick with a cage. I dont know a single person who liked the clear cage.

It got scratched up easliy and it got muggy/foggy in there and you couldnt see.

I think it could run for "worst invention in hockey equiptment history"

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i used a clear ccm cage in the late 90's.

it was great, except for the fact that:

-scratched easily

-fogged easily

-was ugly

i definately love the jofa chrome cages the best

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Seems like a full visor (Itech, etc) would be pretty hot for inline. Have you tried another color cage? I switched from white to black and now I don't even notice it.

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