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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone seen "Mystic River" here?

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I'm a little confused with the ending. Was there something more happening there that the viewer is supposed to piece together? Ok, don't read on if you haven't seen the movie and want to see it....................................

1. Why the hell did Dave admit to the murder? Did he just want to die?

2. What's up with Sean knowing that Jimmy killed Dave and not arresting him?

3. Before the parade, Jimmy and his wife are talking in their bedroom and the wife tells him that he's the King of the town and it's time to rule it or something along those lines. What's up with that?

4. During the parade, Dave's wife and Jimmy's wife gave each other a weird look. Did this have any significance?

Anyways, awesome script and acting. Sean Penn really knocked it out of the park with this performance. I just don't fully grasp the ending.

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Yeah the fact that they were old friends played into the movie multiple times. Also that whole King of town thing was sooo cheesy and unecessary. I liked the movie, it had great acting and the story was decent, but I thought they could have ended the movie in atleast three different places. Other than that it was a good movie.

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I just watched it, thought it was good. The ending was pretty bizarre though. The thing that I never got was why they kept on having Sean's wife call, that just confused me. Good movie though.

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I think the thing with the wife calling was showing how even Sean was effected by Dave getting kidnapped when they where kids, she was calling to give him an oportunity to say that he pushed her away and that he was part of the blame for her leaving.

Jimmy's wife speech was to get his mind right and let him know that he still has things he needs to do and that he was only doing what he thought was right and there is nothing he can do about it now

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