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Football Glove Recommendation?

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I need a new pair of Runningback/Defensiveback gloves. I was interested in the Cutters because they supposedly stay sticky forever. Does anyone know if this is true?

Also, any recommendations are great. I was also thinking to go Under Armour, not sure which model.

I was previously wearing NFL Double Grip gloves and they don't fit, and was rather disappointed with them. Thanks Guys! :)

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Cutters don't stay sticky forever, but they are by far and away the best gloves available. They do stay grippy, but not sticky if that makes sense. Like, when they're new and the first 2-3 times you use them they are like fly paper. If the ball touches them it sticks right to them. After that, the initial stickyness wears off, but its still grippier than a brand new Nike or Reebok glove.

To make them last as long as possible, only wear them in games and after each game wash them in cold water and then hang dry them.

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I've got several friends in the AFL and in the NFL (past and current), and an astounding number of them prefers Cutter. Due to league rules they have to get the Cutters logos removed, but from what I understand a couple hundred NFL players use Cutters.

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I was a D-End and used a pair of the Manigrips my last year. It seems the tack isn't anything special and they aren't extremely sturdy. I'd go with the Cutters since you're a skilled position. They're not as pretty as the manigrips but catching passes will get you a whole lot more tail than a pair of gloves your teammates think look good.

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The Cutters without a doubt. My friend has the exact same Nikes as those and they are almost slick. I would rather play without gloves than with those.

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I think I should add that if it rained the ball was very slippery (with the Manigrips) in pre-game when we were doing drills. Not bad for a D-End but I wouldn't have used them at a skilled position. I had a hole in them after 4 games, too.

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I've used the Nike Magnigrips... I have been very impressed so far (had them for 2 years now); light, flexible, and great dry grip. As with any football glove, you loose most of your grip once they're wet but that is to be expected I guess.

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I've used the Nike Magnigrips... I have been very impressed so far (had them for 2 years now); light, flexible, and great dry grip. As with any football glove, you loose most of your grip once they're wet but that is to be expected I guess.

Cutters don't lose much grip at all when they get wet. C-Tack is an amazing material. Much different (read: better) than any other material used for football glove palms.

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