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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Protective Shirts

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Has anyone used those 'shirts' that have built in padding? I usually don't wear shoulder pads when I play pick up or mens league, but sometimes it gets annoying when I get bruises if I get rubbed out into the boards. Just saw these things when I was browsing online and wondered if anyone had any opinions on them.

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I use them, I hate wearing bulky shoulder pads so like this.

Its not really that protective, but It will help prevent bruises and cuts from hooking. and just takes the sting out of stuff. if you're used to not using anything, id say give it a shot.

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Its better than nothing.. but its really made for roller. I dont know if they would let me play with them or not.

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I use the Mission Thorax when we play Roller at my school, it helps protect against slashes, hooks, some jabs to the back... But it doesn't protect against shots; I learned the hard way.

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I also tried using the Mission Thorax. While it does have foam padding throughout the shirt, it isn't anything more than what it says - a shirt with padding. I wasn't overly impressed and have switched back to my all foam Bauer shoulder pads for Ice hockey.

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yeah it is just a t shirt with foam padding. If you wore huge shoulder pads and then went to change to this you would feel like theres nothing.

But being as you dont wear anything at the moment, This should help for what you want it for. just preventing some bruises.

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