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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XXX heel hepl!

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I have new XXX and have used them 10-15 times in the last 3 weeks since getting them.

They are 6.5EE, ordered by my LHS due to my freaky size. I had XX's in the same size, never a problem.

My left foot is slightly smaller then my left, nothing major bit a tiny bit.

My left, lower back (slightly left) part of my heel is getting nasty blisters from the hard rib in the skate.

Help me out, here are my questions:

1. My LHS says to put in a heel life like dr schols, is this going to impact my skating leaving one in my left foot full time?

2. Are the XXX any different in size then the XX's? Could it be a little longer?

3. Is this happening due to heel slip? I am using wax laces, and baked them and tied them real tight, yet it still happens. Should I bake them again?

thanks for the help everyone!

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my grafs rubbed my heel bad when i got them and I tried some nike anti blister socks(dri fit) and it worked get sorry don't know much about bauers

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I had the same problem. All that was different was that I had Vapor XIX's. Temporarily, a thicker sock (Underarmour full length) and waxed laces helped. It was definitely heel slip for me, you could actually see on the liner where the rubbing was occuring. The socks helped for a week or so, but the blisters got so bad I had to get stitches on my heel. I eventually got new skates that locked down my heel better. Well, thats all i gotta say about that. I hope it helps...

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The XXXs don't have the same liner as the XX's. The XXXs have they hydrophobic liner which doesn't grip as much as the XXs. Once the skate breaks in it will loosen up--I had the same problem but just put a band aid on the inner heal where the blister was.

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I have new XXX and have used them 10-15 times in the last 3 weeks since getting them.

They are 6.5EE, ordered by my LHS due to my freaky size. I had XX's in the same size, never a problem.

My left foot is slightly smaller then my left, nothing major bit a tiny bit.

My left, lower back (slightly left) part of my heel is getting nasty blisters from the hard rib in the skate.

Help me out, here are my questions:

1. My LHS says to put in a heel life like dr schols, is this going to impact my skating leaving one in my left foot full time?

2. Are the XXX any different in size then the XX's? Could it be a little longer?

3. Is this happening due to heel slip? I am using wax laces, and baked them and tied them real tight, yet it still happens. Should I bake them again?

thanks for the help everyone!

The XXX as in many of the posts you will find does fit a half size smaller than the XX. The diffrent outsole is the reason and the liner should not be an issue in the least it is simple the skate fits bigger and your heel is slipping.

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You asked if you should bake them again - No, baking won't make them tighter in the heel, if anything, it could make them a bit looser in the heel.

You also asked about some type of heel pad in the left skate - like a Dr. Scholls, and would it affect your skating. Probably, but try it out; some people on MSH have reported they worked for them. You already own the skates and the next alternative is is getting another pair of skates.

This type of fit puts you in danger of getting bone spurs/heel spurs - so you need to sort out the fit problems. Make sure you are icing your heel.

** edit ** Here's the link on heel spurs


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