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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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getting a new stick

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getting a new stick, any suggestions on what flex to go with? i'm about 5'7 155/160 and pretty strong, i was thinking about 85 or even 75. i'm surrently shooting a 95, nice slapshots...but no power on wristers, i think it's from not getting the flex i need that's why i'm thinking about a lower flex, just not sure which one.

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Real tough to say. All PP really.

Try out a friends first.

*Edit. I just read you are 5'7 so I assume you would need to cut it down. Definitely go with a 75 because and 85 might really be way higher.

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Unless I missed out on some big change the 75 will be intermediate and have a smaller radius. If you have small hands it'd work, but if they're normal sized you might regret not getting an 85.

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Unless I missed out on some big change the 75 will be intermediate and have a smaller radius.  If you have small hands it'd work, but if they're normal sized you might regret not getting an 85.

Both easton and NBH are offering 75 flex senior sticks this coming year.

IIRC the NBH are already out (77 flex Senior) and the Eastons are coming either this fall or in the spring (75 flex senior). Easton's intermediate sticks are now 65 flex.

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Unless I missed out on some big change the 75 will be intermediate and have a smaller radius.  If you have small hands it'd work, but if they're normal sized you might regret not getting an 85.

Both easton and NBH are offering 75 flex senior sticks this coming year.

IIRC the NBH are already out (77 flex Senior) and the Eastons are coming either this fall or in the spring (75 flex senior). Easton's intermediate sticks are now 65 flex.

what does IIRC stand for?

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I think you should move down to an 75. It's sort of a big jump, but you will be cutting the shaft down anyways, maybe a couple inches, so that will make it a... 85, according to the NBH catalog.

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Unless I missed out on some big change the 75 will be intermediate and have a smaller radius.  If you have small hands it'd work, but if they're normal sized you might regret not getting an 85.

Both easton and NBH are offering 75 flex senior sticks this coming year.

IIRC the NBH are already out (77 flex Senior) and the Eastons are coming either this fall or in the spring (75 flex senior). Easton's intermediate sticks are now 65 flex.

what does IIRC stand for?

IIRC = If I Remember Correctly

I''m also the at a close height/weight (5'8" 150-160 lbs) as you, and I, like blues_91, use an 85ish flex. 75 is extremely whippy to me, it feels like it is going to break when i pass. I'm going to have to also advice you to try before you buy. shoot around with a friend's stick first...

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Is your current 95 flex shaft/stick cut down any? if so, then i'd go with the 85/87 unless you feel the 95 is extremely stiff for you.

Go to the store and (lightly!!) get a feel for the 85 and 75 flex sticks. DO NOT FLEX THE STICK AS FAR AS YOU CAN. (If you do that, the store workers will hate you forever). Then buy whatever feels best from the store.

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this is the reason i even posted this question....it's like i'm on the fence about which one to go with, i want it to flex...but i don't want to break it. i'm thinking about getting like a super cheap 75 flex shaft, like a mission ion or easton typhoon just to try it out. besides....they come with a warranty so i'll try to break it before that's up, and if it lasts then it's the right flex i guess

either way i'm going to go give them a flex and see how they feel. currently i have an easton wood stick thats a 95...it's just heavy and i just really don't like it anymore.

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nope...i will next time i play though, but i have a gut feeling that i'm going to benifit from a whippier stick...however i could be wrong

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i've been looking around online too...i think i'm going to go check them out in person and see which companies i like....then i'll go for them online. i'm leaning toward the M-2 just cause if i do get a 75 flex, and it turns out to be too flexable and breaks at least the warranty is like 45 days, they say it's the longest warranty around right?

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I believe it will work, but I'm not 100% on that. the M-2 intermediate may be a touch shorter than the senior, so make sure that it's long enough.

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