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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton 800C or Bauer Supreme 50

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I am looking for a new pair of skates in the $200 - $250 range and I have narrowed my search down to the Easton 800C's or Bauer Supreme 50's. Does anybody have any ice time with these skates that can give me some feedback and/or recommendations?

For background, I am an intermediate skater and skate 3x/week in a rec league. My current skates are Mission Amp 7's which are OK, just not enough support and I have problems with lace bite. I have tried CCM's before, but they seem too wide. I wear a size 13 street shoe, 6'3", 225 lbs and play any position open.

I would love to try these on before deciding, but there is no LHS here and the closest one (90 miles) usually doesn't carry skates big enough for me because he said they don't sell, so it would have to be a special order anyway.

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i'm currently using the 800Cs.. bought it in early march and since have been rather disappointed with it.. it is extremely light, however the toe cap is covered with some cheap fabric that tears up really fast, this is a cosmetic blem of course.. now the next problem i had was fit.. i heat molded them twice and they still don't fit right.. to the extent i'm developing a couple of bunions on the top side of both feet.. i've just ordered the flexlite 12s as i know they are extremely comfortable and light. with the startling amount of good reviews on the flexlite 12 i'm pretty confident that i have finally found a good pair of skates..

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If the 800Cs are anything like the 900s they will be complete tanks. My brother was using 900s for a season and they are still in mint shape, he grew out of them before they showed any signs of breaking down.

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