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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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terrible arch pain...

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The second one. Gel inserts offer poor support because the material squishes and deforms too much. They may feel comfortable but they're not very firm.

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my arch kills me everytime i skate...

im flat footed...

do u think these products will work?

purchasing online is not an option for me...

too expensive to ship...

this is what i found locally...

of these 2, which would be better




What kind of skate and what size and lets see the foot?

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its a bauer 5090 8.5D

my foot is not wide so i dont think the width is really the prob.

there is no arch there... but it is not rigid as the extreme cases are...

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its a bauer 5090 8.5D

my foot is not wide so i dont think the width is really the prob.

there is no arch there... but it is not rigid as the extreme cases are...

What size shoes in diffrent styles largest and smallest shoes?

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those will do NOTHING for you! i have duck feet myself so i'm tried everything! if you have feet as flat as mine the only things that will work is what i call the sandwich trick or getting a pair of skates that can mold to the bottom of your foot like a pair of kor. for the sandwich trick you'll need to cut up a pair of insoles from your shoes (can't be from skates cause they are to thin and don't buy extra ones either cause they are usually to thick). what you do is cut the middle and leave only the front and back in the boot. the idea is to raise the front and back of your foot without raising the middle. after you put the two new inserts put your skate insoles back in on top of the extra ones.

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those will do NOTHING for you! i have duck feet myself so i'm tried everything! if you have feet as flat as mine the only things that will work is what i call the sandwich trick or getting a pair of skates that can mold to the bottom of your foot like a pair of kor. for the sandwich trick you'll need to cut up a pair of insoles from your shoes (can't be from skates cause they are to thin and don't buy extra ones either cause they are usually to thick). what you do is cut the middle and leave only the front and back in the boot. the idea is to raise the front and back of your foot without raising the middle. after you put the two new inserts put your skate insoles back in on top of the extra ones.

Umm no...that is definatly not the way to fix that problem. you never use more than one insole.

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those will do NOTHING for you!  i have duck feet myself so i'm tried everything!  if you have feet as flat as mine the only things that will work is what i call the sandwich trick or getting a pair of skates that can mold to the bottom of your foot like a pair of kor.  for the sandwich trick you'll need to cut up a pair of insoles from your shoes (can't be from skates cause they are to thin and don't buy extra ones either cause they are usually to thick).  what you do is cut the middle and leave only the front and back in the boot.  the idea is to raise the front and back of your foot without raising the middle.  after you put the two new inserts put your skate insoles back in on top of the extra ones.

Umm no...that is definatly not the way to fix that problem. you never use more than one insole.

this thing that i saw is just 3/4... so there will be nothing under my toes... in case i remove the original insoles...

is this ok or do i leave the original insoles in?

thanks so much! btw i saw d vid of the girl that u did the skates for...

if only im on the other side of the world... most probably wont be having a lot of probs...

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nike street soccer shoes... US 10 - EURO 45

puma racing shoes... US 10 - EURO 44

leather shoes... EURO 43-44

Well you dont want more than ne insole but that does seem to be the right size. However the idea of flattening out the arch with a heat gun adn boot press would help to lower the arch. You can also shave the insole in the arch area to make it extremely flat and no push up at all. If you have a senstive foot in the arch area that little bit shaved does wonders.

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so do u think this insole thing will work for me or will i just spend for nothing?

or would it be better to shave the insoles to flatten it?

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How do you lace your skates?

Try not tightening the area above your arch. That's what I do, otherwise my foot cramps up. I have flat feet too.

I tighten the toe area a bit, leave the arch area loose (but not too loose) just kinda snug, then I tighten the ankle part as much as I want.

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How do you lace your skates?

Try not tightening the area above your arch. That's what I do, otherwise my foot cramps up. I have flat feet too.

I tighten the toe area a bit, leave the arch area loose (but not too loose) just kinda snug, then I tighten the ankle part as much as I want.

I would do as it says here as well flatten the arch of the sole.

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ouch! so i will have to endure the pain til i get the superfeet thing...

if of course the shaving does not work...

Yes sorry to say but i bet the shaving does as well if your warm that area with a heat gun and then stand in them with out moving that should help!

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i'm telling you guys... do the sandwich trick...

and yes you leave the skate insole the same cause it's to thin to make any difference and you cut up the shoe insoles. just make sure you put the skate insoles on top of the cut shoes ones and you'll be fine.

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i'm telling you guys... do the sandwich trick...

and yes you leave the skate insole the same cause it's to thin to make any difference and you cut up the shoe insoles. just make sure you put the skate insoles on top of the cut shoes ones and you'll be fine.

NO, that only works if you weight 100 lbs less and don't put alot of pressure on your feet.

Shoe-skate insoles are only there to make sure you can't feel the stitching and rivets

Custom orthotics in the best solution here. Support is what is needed...not cushioning.

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i'm doing the sandwich trick on my rollerskates right now and i've been doing it for more 9 years, it works. sure you can get custom orthotics but that will cost and i think it lifts gives you to much of a forward lean... my trick will cost nothing and it's not giving much more cushioning at all. it just lifts the front and back of your foot a little higher in the boot. but hey go ahead and spend a few hundred dollars or listen to guys who had never had this problems before.

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just 3 months.... weekends only... and my feet burn each time...

walking for long distances, even on my regular shoes hurt...

i bought one of those gaitor insoles and placed them in my sneakers, it definitely reduced the pain...

i wonder if this would work for skating... it fits, i can still put my feet in :P ill try it on saturday...

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