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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton "si-core"

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well i pick up a si-core and it snapped after a few weeks but i found something alittle odd. i had two si-core the year they first came out, when i broke them i noticed how they had the green silcone strip in the blade. well the one i resently broke was a triple I-beam blade the very same as the ST. does anyone else have any idea whta this is about?

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no its retail

thats my huge concern, like it says si-core, but it isnt. i work at a LHS, and what am i to tell people and personally i only bought it cuz i loved the feel of the si-core blade

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most of the "feel"is in your head anyway. did you notice any difference when playing with it?

didn't think so.

lol, i have a sense that you have no sympathy for sakic..

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I don't have much sympathy for others in general, but I just don't think it's that big a deal. If the stick performed well, does it really matter how it was painted?

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Hey while talking about Si-Cores.

In the last week i noticed some players (in the german elite league) sporting Si-Cores again. I didnt know what to think... Either those were painted sticks or maybe someone "found" some Si-Cores in some basement room :huh:

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well if its still under warranty, send it in and get a "Real" stick.. I know someone that broke his si-core and they sent him a stealth grip.

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funny cause at my work, we got a bunch of pro stock eastons that are painted all orange, but don't have the si-core on them and you can see the ridges in the balde that the STs have.

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Si-cores have allways been fake. All they ever put was a little green peice the size of a gum. It doesn add any feel and doesnt do anything at all.

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I will have to say that that was my favorite easton stick. Had nothing to do with the blade, but it was the right weight and had a very good feel in my hand.

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funny cause at my work, we got a bunch of pro stock eastons that are painted all orange, but don't have the si-core on them and you can see the ridges in the balde that the STs have.

most of the "si-cores" used in the NHL before the lock out werent si-cores, but just a regular synergy painted orange to give the si-core exposure. even if it was a true si-core, prostocks wont say si-core because they leave that out to make the syNergy logo bigger.

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