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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission prostock shafts

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hey i got a question, i just ordered a flyweight shaft...i was just looking at the flex chart on here...the 90 flex = 10/7

Can anyone who's received the flyweight confirm this? I've got an older t-flex (the black ones) in 100flex and unfortunately, it's a bit stiff for my likings. I'm 5'6", 185 pounds....do you guys think it'll be less stiffer than it?...or an easton synthesis 100flex for that matter...

other sticks that i've used in the past is an easton zbubble 85flex, bauer triflex 87, an inno1100 that's like 440 or 480 flex (can't remember, but it's super duper whippy), ccm catapult stiff flex....

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My 10-7 was extremely whippy once it broke in. It started as a 90-ish, but broke down to about a 75 by the end.

the one you sold me? it has more flex than my 70 flex warrior dolomite tapered shaft.

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Got my Hex-1 75 Flex today. It's definately an intermediate. Smallish dimensions, and no senior tapered blade I have came close to fitting (TPS, Mission, Easton).

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I missed out on these. If anyone has a extra 85 flex or 10-7 flex, please let me know. Please PM me. Thanks Brandon

are you talking about the prostock shafts that hockeymonkey is selling?

if so, the dangler, and the Flyweight in standard and taper are still available...

the L2, Hex1 and Hex1 grip is sold out.

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i just got my shafts today. i ordered the flywieght standard, which i thought were the ions, but they both say "ether" on the shaft. also, they seem to be very long. i dont have a tape measure on me, but they are about 6" longer than another sr. shaft i have laying aroung. anyone else have that experience?

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Similar experience. Got 2 Ethers instead of 1 Ether & 1 Ion. Summer was very helpful in straightening it out.

They are both the same length, but the Ion ends up so tall because standard hosels are generally longer. I tried it out without cutting it & it was pretty strange. Like playing with Chara's stick. :o

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how much does the flyweight ion weigh? and does ion just mean it's not tapered?

edit: is the mission ether on hockyemonkey a tapered flyweight?

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i just got my shafts today. i ordered the flywieght standard, which i thought were the ions, but they both say "ether" on the shaft. also, they seem to be very long. i dont have a tape measure on me, but they are about 6" longer than another sr. shaft i have laying aroung. anyone else have that experience?

turns out the shafts just had the wrong sticker on them. all is well. but they are/were pretty damn long.

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Got my shafts acouple of weeks ago and debating wheter or not i should keep them. They are way too long for me and i use really short sticks cause im not too tall myself. I would probably have to cut more then 6 inches off but i think it would get really stiff so dont know if its worth it. Got a 90HEX-1grip (standard) and an 75HEX-1 (Taper)

Note that the taper shaft does not fit senior blades.

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Got my shafts acouple of weeks ago and debating wheter or not i should keep them. They are way too long for me and i use really short sticks cause im not too tall myself. I would probably have to cut more then 6 inches off but i think it would get really stiff so dont know if its worth it. Got a 90HEX-1grip (standard) and an 75HEX-1 (Taper)

Note that the taper shaft does not fit senior blades.

Hrm, my Hex-1 Grip 90 flex was tapered......

At any rate, here's a guy on the trade section who wanted a Hex-1 Grip 90 flex shaft. Maybe you can talk to him to see if you guys can work something out: http://www.modsquadhockey.com/index.php?showtopic=24467

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I just received one of the hex-1 grip shafts, as well as a non-pro l-2 shaft. Although both are said to be tapered shafts, the opening of the l-2 shaft looks wider than the hex-1. Anyone know what's going on?

I want to use systhesis blades in both, but the openings look different.

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OK, so here's the deal: the tapered ends of both shafts are a little larger than the hosel on my synthesis blade. (all blades and shafts are seniors) But, the l-2 shaft opening is much larger than the hex-1. I can insert a blade into the hex-1 with no glue on the blade with little resistance, so once I melt glue on it, I am believing it will be a great fit. The l-2, hoever, just seems to have way too wide of an opening. Do mission blades that came with the l-2 have larger hosels than easton synergy blades? Even with glue, I think the blade will be loose. A standard blade, however, does ont fit.

Any sugestions on how to make the blade fit tight? Could I have a shaft that came from a bad batch? (remember, the l-2 shaft is not a pro stock...just a regular old shaft)

Also, how do tell what the flex is on these things...it isn't listed anywhere. I amo told they are both 100 flex, but would like to verify before using them.


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i'm not sure how much bigger the shaft is than the blade but you might want to try a strip of cloth tape around the end that usually helps make the blade fit pretty tight.

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Ordered a Mission Ether tapered shaft in 90 flex along with some other apparel- interested in seeing what I actually get.

Update: Got what I wanted. Seems a little long, but without the endplug probably not so much. Light as fuckall.

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Yeah I had to use tape on the hosel to get it to fit snugly inside of the flyweights.

Also, turns out these shafts are all no warranty shafts because I broke one last night and called Mission today.

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