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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Helmet/Cage Clips

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I've been using a Bauer HH5000L helmet and recently purchased a new Itech RBE VIII cage to replace my Bauer cage. With my Bauer cage, the top of the cage hangs below the two install screws. With the Itech cage, I cannot install it this way because of the placement of the bars. The only way I can install it is with the top of the cage above the install screws. I hope your still with me. The cage doesn't seem right installed like this and I don't believe the vision would be the same.

I've had this problem in the past (mixing different branded helmet/cage) and have used an L shaped clip to solve the problem. But now I can't find them if my life depended on it. Can anyone advise where I can find these?

My LHS just looked at me like I was crazy when I asked.

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First off you have it installed properly with the clips as you said above the screws. Secondly the clips are not there to do anything so realisticly if the cage is tight to your chin and you can see properly then all is well there is no need for the clips.

(in Canada they are not requied nor tested with when getting CSA approval)

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