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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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how to fix my mp4

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hey again so i bought a brand new mp4 off ebay and it worked great until i fell asleep listenin to it 1 night then i woke up next mornin and my elbo landed right on the back of it so it got crushed any 1 no how to fix it or got any suggestions :D :D :D

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hey again so i bought a brand new mp4 off ebay and it worked great until i fell asleep listenin to it 1 night then i woke up next mornin and my elbo landed right on the back of it so it got crushed any 1 no how to fix it or got any suggestions :D :D :D

What the hell is an mp4?

As far as I knew it was a video compression format..

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