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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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hockey shops in cerritos calif...

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i need help...

a friend of mine is coming home from the states...

he is from cerritos calif...

any hockey stores there?

(he doesnt know or care about hockey so

he does not know any stores that sell hockey stuff)

im planning to make him pick up some stuff for me...


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i need help...

a friend of mine is coming home from the states...

he is from cerritos calif...

any hockey stores there?

(he doesnt know or care about hockey so

he does not know any stores that sell hockey stuff)

im planning to make him pick up some stuff for me...


Quite a few stores in the area, but, here are the two largest in the local area...

*HockeyGiant (Anaheim; 15-20 minute drive depending on traffic)

*Hawk Hockey (Hockey Monkey; Santa Ana; 20-25 minute drive depending on traffic)

Hawk Hockey in Santa Ana is way better than Hockey Giant imo. They actually help you and arent sold out of everything decent. From Cerritos take the 91 east to the 55 south, get off at mcfadden, turn left, then go into shopping center. Its on the right side near the golf store.

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