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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Superfeet question

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Will the black or grey superfeet fit in a size 7.5R synergy 1500? I never got a clear opinion/answer and was wondering. Also, what size do I choose? They dont fit to skate size right? Thanks!

I assume grey because it is a normal width skate?

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Typically you would order to your shoe size, but sometimes you will need to order a size larger. When I originally ordered mine, I found that the arch on the Superfeet was closer to my heel the arch in my skates (Mission s500) and they did not fit in the skate properly. I ordered the next size up and cut them down at the toes, now they fit perfectly.

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I tried to ask the same question and never got a definitive answer. The only answer I got was that the black are for a higher volume skate and foot. I eventually just went ahead and got the gray. You should go with the superfeet recommendation for your foot size. Just check the superfeet website for information. Then when you get them overlay the superfeet over the top of the insoles out of your skates. Flip them over and mark the outline of the lower skate insole onto the bottom of the superfeet. Trim with a pair of scissors to the outline and then insert the superfeet into your skates, and leave out the old skate inserts.

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Typically you would order to your shoe size, but sometimes you will need to order a size larger. When I originally ordered mine, I found that the arch on the Superfeet was closer to my heel the arch in my skates (Mission s500) and they did not fit in the skate properly. I ordered the next size up and cut them down at the toes, now they fit perfectly.

That was my experience as well. The gray Superfeet that were the correct size for both my feet and the skate had an arch that was out of position with respect to both my foot and the skate. Your solution seems to be a good one.

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