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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission Wicked Lite Vibe

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I have a pair of Mission Wicked Lite Vibe Skates that I may be willing to sell.

They are in great shape, pictures to come soon. Im looking for a price that someone would be willing to pay for these.

Only used indoors for one season. Size 9D.

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I have a pair of Mission Wicked Lite Vibe Skates that I may be willing to sell.

They are in great shape, pictures to come soon. Im looking for a price that someone would be willing to pay for these.

Only used indoors for one season. Size 9D.

Yeah, and we are all waiting for the price you are selling them for. This isnt ebay, you need to post a price, and you would have better luck in the selling section.


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And you need to post it in the SELL forum... but first you need to be on the board a bit longer and post a little bit more.

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Thanks for all the pleasant replies. First off it would be in the SELL if it would let me, I dont have permission yet. I could just as easily put these on ebay but I like this forum and would have liked to give everyone here a chance at them first. PST with offers.

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We had big problems with someone "offering" something. Please use the search function on this topic. As others have said you need to put a price or you are not long for this board

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