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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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IISHF junior european championships

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Just got back from the tournament and it was Awesome!

Just wondering if any guys from here went? I met nummer55 there and spoke to him for a bit, which was quality to finally meet someone from MSH.

The standings were

1st: Germany

2nd: Great Britain

3rd: Switzerland

4th: Denmark

5th: Netherlands

6th: Austria.

also i heard that the finals were broadcasted on the internet, does anyone know where i could find it?

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Hi Ash, nice to meet you too. I can't find any quality photos or videos from the tournament which is a shame. On the german site there are some pictures ('Interactiv -> Bilder' @ www.ishd.de).

There were live cams from the tournament at http://www.webticino.ch/euro/webcam.htm but they didn't record it. Only stills. Was this your final junior year?


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I was the team manager. Matt was co-trainer. We had a really good time with time and will only loose three players next year. We played some good games (against you guys and Austria) and one really bad one (Germany). Next year we will defintely go for the semi-finals.

If we are going to play the Rams Cup next year I will defintely shoot you a message. If you want to spend a year in The Netherlands (studying or whatever) you are of course welcome in Eindhoven (http://www.eindhovenrhinos.nl).


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awesome, yeah if you need any players for anything id be happy to play!

And id be up for taking a gap year from university at some point to play over in europe..... I may have to learn to speak your language first though! :P

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someone sign this american up...

Im English.... :P

We'll take you. You'll have to die your hair black and talk with a funny English accent to pass for somewhat Filipino though. Haha!

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