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Another CBA post

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Can somebody explain to me how lowering the UFA will benefit anybody other than the players? I know there is benefits, I just can't see any.

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Can somebody explain to me how lowering the UFA will benefit anybody other than the players? I know there is benefits, I just can't see any.

The players have to get some benefit in exchange for giving things up. Even if it's the right thing to do, they still need to be compensated. Increasing the number of free agents should actually drive the price down according to the prevailing theory.

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This one is NOT good newsClick Hear

Don't believe anything Goodenow says. I have a feeling that the players will give in a bit, despite his personal position.

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They both come up with positions that are totally unacceptable to the other side, just so they can negotiate. Heaven forbid they actually put a reasonable offer on the table.

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So this is completely out of left field, but if there is a lock out next year and the players do go to Europe as planned, think TSN/ESPN/ect. will show some of those games? The thought of not being able to watch hockey scares me.

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So this is completely out of left field, but if there is a lock out next year and the players do go to Europe as planned, think TSN/ESPN/ect. will show some of those games? The thought of not being able to watch hockey scares me.

ESPN will not but you may see local affiliates pick up WHA in those cities or Euro games where thier stars are playing.

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The players are completely out of line on this thing. 90% of teams can prove that they are losing money, but the players don't care. If it weren't for Internet stock created billionaires, a number of teams would have folded already.

Whats really funny is that your gonna see guys who don't want a salary cap who earn 2 mil a year and complain about a salary cap playing in the WHA for $500,000 in a league that has one. The best part is that there will be only 6 teams...lotsa guys who think they should be able to play will be left out.

one big greedy mess

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I've heard that the expected numbers of players to leave the NHL and goto either the WHA or Europe will be around 50. So I wouldn't exactly expect a star studded roster in the WHA. They'll end up looking for players rather than turning them away.

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I disagree - those teams will be full of NHL players. Think about all the 1st and 2nd year guys who don't have a fat bank account. The players who are at the bargaining table are vets who have been in the league for years (Linden, Sakic)...they can afford to take a year off no sweat.

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Players under contract may not be able to play in the WHA or risk not being paid their NHL deals in the event of an injury. Not to mention the fact they will never make a bunch in the WHA. I think it will be more like the IHL was for years, career minor league players with a lot of experience playing at a level just below the NHL.

Add in a couple of stars and it should be good entertainment.

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It won't be the only gig though, players are leaning towards European elite leagues rather the WHA to begin with. There's more money and from the looks of it better hockey. Lidstrom and Forsberg have already displayed interest in playing overseas when there was an NHL, most Europeans would rather play over there, along with some North Americans. I think your right that a few of the fringe players will go the WHA route, maybe a star or two, but there won't be alot to have players stray from the Lock-out. If the players are locked out, they will be able to play there, but I have heard many aren't interested. I think Chadds correct in saying it'll be IHL hockey with a few stars added in.

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I read somewhere the maximum salary is $300k for the Sweedish Elite League. I suspect that the Russian league could be the best paying of all european leagues, but how many players are willing to risk the Russian mafia?

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I saw that Forseberg put his Denver apartment up for sale, so it looks like its gonna be Modo next year with Soderstrom and others. About the CBA talks, it just seems that neither side really knows how to affectively negotiate; it seems like each side wants to pawn themselves off as the victims to the unreasonable other side. I don't think they truely understand that the future of hockey in the USA is at stake, so they should really be on the same side. It's the difference between positional bargaining (We must have a salary cap/ we can't have a salary cap...) and principled negotiation (We all love this sport and need/want it to continue, so let's figure out how to make more money...). They are making themselves into opponents when the situation really needs both sides to put their heads together to solve a greater situation than the CBA... Just my $.02

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90% of the NHL because of expansion is made up of fringe hockey players. If there are only 6 WHA teams, it will have mostly NHL players.

only time will tell for sure

That's flawed logic. Even as a third line guy in the NHL a player will make $1M+ in most cases. Very few will accept $250k to go play for a league and not be able top return to tehir "real" job should the lockout ends.

Now if you said former NHL players, I might agree with you.

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That is speculation on your part - unless you have seen the contracts that are being offered. In order to get elite players to play, they will have to amend the contracts to allow them to return to their teams if the lockout ends - that only makes sense. It will probably not be the case across the board as all teams would be wiped out if it were made up of all NHL players and the lockout ended. So what we will probably end up with is a real talent disparity...guys who cannot make the NHL and NHL stars. To St. Louis point "make 5 mill or sit home and make nothing". Money is a wonderful motivator - players may not have the option to play, but sitting at home making nothing (especially the young guys) when 10 year vets who are very well off and have no financial reason to be worried can take their time negotiating the deal.

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You are correct, it's speculation on all of our parts, however there is logic behind my views.

The WHA is looking to be a long term league, there is no way they can do that if they release players back to the NHL in the middle of their season. This is the big chance for them to get their foot in the door of the sports watching public, not be a temporary substitute for NHL hockey.

As for the contract values it's something like $10 for all but one star player. That averages to 500k per player, some will make more, others less. The WHA is going to have a hard salary cap, so there's no way players are going to make ON AVERAGE, as much as they did in the NHL.

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good point - The interesting thing you brought up earlier is the ex-nhl model. I do assume a number of guys who played and left or just couldn't hack the NHL are going to be playing here. You'll see Fleury, Gilmore, Ludwig, Gartner...etc playing here....that would be pretty sweet. Add to that the no redline rule and no touch up icing, this will be some very fast paced hockey. I like the 3 on 3 OT as well.

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