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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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i bought a si-core and a inno 1100 fused mccarty. the sicore came in 3weeks, and the 1100 took 2 months cause they had to order them, which was a complete joke. and each stick tacked on another 50 canadian for duty fees. i thought both sticks should have been shipped at the same time which would have saved me money. but it costed me an extra 100.

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They are a pretty good group of guys over there. Whenever I'm in there area I try to stop in and say hi. I think even they have trouble getting stuff from Inno sometimes so I'm not surprised about the big delays. However, I don't think you should have trouble ordering from them.

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I bought an 1100 shaft awhile ago and they sent it to the wrong house. It took two weeks for it to get to me when i paid for 3 day shipping. Then a hockeyandskateoutlet.com employee told me that its not there fault for them shipping to the wrong house, in the end my mother had to ship from her house to mine, while the bad guys(hockeyandskateoutlet.com) got away.

Overall the shaft was in excellent condition. No problems with the product being screwed up.

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