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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Moving speeches.

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I'm well aware that this is a hockey forum, but I was listening to some old speeches from different people from different times on historychannel.com and there's a ton of one liners that will stick with us. Like JFK's inaugural speech or when Teddy Kennedy was eulogizing his brother Robert when he said "Some men see things as they and say 'why,' I dream things that never were and say 'why not.'"

I'm just wondering if what some quotes from famous speeches stick out in your mind.

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The "why/why not" should have been attributed to GB Shaw. Einstein, Benjamin Disraeli and George Bernard Shaw all have some outstanding quotes. I also find it amazing that the Gettysburg address took about seven minutes, yet modern political speeches take the better part of an hour.

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The "why/why not" should have been attributed to GB Shaw. Einstein, Benjamin Disraeli and George Bernard Shaw all have some outstanding quotes. I also find it amazing that the Gettysburg address took about seven minutes, yet modern political speeches take the better part of an hour.

I agree, some of the best lines in history were ab-live.

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