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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike Dri-fit pro vent Swift top

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Hey, is the Swift pro vent version going to be available to the public? It is the one which is mostly red with the black arm. These look really cool.

Also, will wearing one of these for inline hockey make much of a difference? right now I wear a singlet (this would be replaced be the pro vent top), then the Hyper protection shirt thingy, then the jersey. Long or short sleeve?

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Buy a SKINS instead. They hold the patent on compresion technology. In a nutshell it keeps you cool and helps to stop allot of injuries. I have been wearing one for almost a yr now under my inline kit (jersey + elbows) and I can't play without it now. Great stuff and available at Rebel Sport etc. Worth the overpriced figure they flog it for. :ph34r:

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Definitely get the skins. I bitched and moaned about the price for a year then finally bought some. The next day I bought another full set so that I am never without them.

I wear them to the gym everyday and to EVERY hockey game.

They are expensive but at least you are supporting a quality Aussie product. Their customer service is great also. Wait untill Rebel Sport have a 25% off sale.

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Try them on and which ever one you feel comfy in go for. I wear the long sleave and do experience some elbow pad slippidge that I have overcome with allot of electrical tape. Eitherway it works, and just like Matty said, they are great for the Gym and running as well. I never excercise without them.

Our goalie wears the leg skins by themselves and loves the response he gets the next day from waking up and not feeling like his pad pumpers are full of lead.

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