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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Has anyone used CNT blade?

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the search function is helpful in matters such as this. try searching for "ST Blade" or "Z carbon CNT" for info. Lots of people don't like to repeat themselves.


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the search function is helpful in matters such as this.  try searching for "ST Blade" or "Z carbon CNT" for info.  Lots of people don't like to repeat themselves.


Typing "Z carbon CNT" into the search function yields a total of 22 pages of threads with who knows how many pages in each thread (basically every post that ever had the word "carbon" in it). A quick scan of the first few pages revealed nothing related to his question. I know we've had a thread on the endless "use the search engine" posts, but I still find it annoying how often it comes up. Whenever I see a new thread that is similar to an old one, I either don't post a reply or I provide the person with the link to the thread (but that's rare since I usually can't even find threads that I know of using the MSH search function).

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Also, try searching with the quotes. then, only threads with all three items in "z carbon cnt" in that specific order will come up. When I do this, the search on the toolbar is much more eficient.

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