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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NBH Supreme 60 skates?

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I was at my LHS trying on the supreme 70's and they didn't have 8.5d. So the sales person suggests that supreme 60's which i didn't even know existed (One90, 70, 50, 30?).

anybody have any idea what these 60's are? Can't find it in the catalogue, can't find any reference to them on the web. yet i saw them in person...


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I was at my LHS trying on the supreme 70's and they didn't have 8.5d. So the sales person suggests that supreme 60's which i didn't even know existed (One90, 70, 50, 30?).

anybody have any idea what these 60's are? Can't find it in the catalogue, can't find any reference to them on the web. yet i saw them in person...


The Supreme 60 is an SMU (special make up) for some LHS. It is essentially the Supreme 50 with a composite sole and LS2 Blade and Holder.

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the retailer (store) must be a member of the buying group in order to buy the skate in bulk and offer it for sale. Consumers who want an SMU have to purchase it from one of these retailers. The customer (you) don't have to be a member of anything.

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