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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sprungs As Goalie Frames

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After the new A6 is launched, we are going to make a goalie frame. In the mean time, we need some brave souls to test the current model A6 and give us some feedback. It's a flat frame, with all same size wheels, so you can use your favorite wheels to drop it down to the right height. This will also give us an idea about what wheels work best with the function of the frames.

Some of the best atributes of the A6 should make it a great goalie frame. Because the suspension allows you to move your weight forward and backward while keeping all your wheels on the ground, they are much more stable and you can keep your balance much better. You can actually walk in them and jump from one side of the crease to the other. As for forward and backward movement, all you have to do is load up the front or rear and they shoot you in the direction you want to go when the springs unload.

I'm definitely not a goalie, but I know what the frames can do for balance and agility. I've never even put goalie wheels on a pair of A6s to check it out. But I did chop the sides off some of my Fiziks aggro frames for clearence and they were very good. The articulation of the A6 is much better than Fiziks and it should make a great addition to your gear.

Though the current model is underbuilt and has been beefed up in the new model, they should be tough enough to take the hits. And that's another question we need to know. If these hold up, the actual goalie frames or the new A6 should be totally shot proof.

So I need some experienced, opinionated goalies to prove me right .... or wrong.

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I was already planning on trying out the sprungs in net once our league gets started up in about a month or so, but I only have the old version that you sent me.

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i don't know about you but i would think that it would be a wise idea to sent a set to justin from mission. he is a goalie and on top of that he MAKES the mission skates. wouldn't hurt to have someone like him try out your sprungs.

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