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Osama Bin Laden

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I have been hearing rumors all over the place that he's finally dead but I'm not sure yet has anyone else here heard about this yet? Any information available on the subject?

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These rumors seem to come up every few months, so we should take it with a grain of salt. Last I heard, they were trying to find the location where he was supposedly buried.

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Well this time I have heard it from a number of people and thought I hover heard something about it on tv from the other room but wasnt paying a lot of attention and there was no one in the room watching it to tell me what they said

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I have been hearing rumors all over the place that he's finally dead but I'm not sure yet has anyone else here heard about this yet?  Any information available on the subject?

If he is...will Bush make this speech again:


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Personally, call me crazy,


I think here is living with his sister here in the UK,

If he took off his turban and had shave no one would recognise him.

The amount of illegal immigrants here in the UK, I don’t see why not

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Personally, call me crazy,


I think here is living with his sister here in the UK,

If he took off his turban and had shave no one would recognise him.

The amount of illegal immigrants here in the UK, I don’t see why not

Haha it could happen, about a month ago someone in the mafia hierachy was caught running a flourist trying to hide. It could be possible

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Personally, call me crazy,


I think here is living with his sister here in the UK,

If he took off his turban and had shave no one would recognise him.

The amount of illegal immigrants here in the UK, I don’t see why not

Well sure I see him around town everyonce in a while. :rolleyes:

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Well I guess not http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=...ec=Worldupdates I really thought he might be dead this time because i heard so many people talking about it.

Just looking at that article,

I think France have something going on which their not saying because why would France have some sort of information like that?

As it says:

"If anyone was in the picture, I doubt it would be Saudi intelligence," a Western diplomat in Riyadh said. "Even if Saudi Arabia had information, they'd pass it on to the United States, not France. It doesn't ring true."

But my money is still that he is in this country.

It’s smart and unsuspected.

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