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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Oakley/Itech Visor question

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a couple of people I play with have an HS22 tinted and Oakley Straight tinted which they both hated.. For those in the Vancouver area that have played at Richmond Ice Center, do you think it is too dim to use a grey tint visor? For anyone who owns a grey tint, do you have to be playing in a well-lit arena to be able to use it or is the tint something you just have to get used to?

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other than the Forum rink, the rest of the rinks are quite dim and I think a tinted visor would be detrimental.

yeah, nazzy19 is right. RIC is not the ideal place to be sportin' a tinted visor, unless you have more ice times at another rink that does have adequate lighting, stick with the clear visors

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