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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Quick question about skate sizing

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I know this has probably been asked a hundered times before, but is a "D" width on a skate, a standard width. So in other words, if I can buy any shoe off the rack in a size 9, shoud I get a 7.5D skate, all things being equal? Thanks.

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all skates fit differnt , so no you cant just pull a size 7.5 right off but that would be pretty close

yeah d is the regular width

its R for regular in easton

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I know this has probably been asked a hundered times before, but is a "D" width on a skate, a standard width. So in other words, if I can buy any shoe off the rack in a size 9, shoud I get a 7.5D skate, all things being equal? Thanks.

For CCM or RBK skates go only by the CCM online FIT GUIDE at ccmsports.com

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