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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rink Rat wheel differences

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What's the difference between the regular hornets, the pro hornets, and the hotshots?

I'm currently using the hotshots and wondering if the others are an upgrade.

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Hornets versus hotshots has been covered before please use the search function at the top of the page.

Pro hornets and regular hornets I assume you mean retail vs hornets that come with skates or the new MB816 which is a micro core wheel? Retail hornets and hornets on the skates are the same thing according to Mike Hunt, just different color combos that manafacturers asked for when selling their skates

For the difference between Hornets and MB816 again, use the search function

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well ,i think it goes something like this...look at the rink rat wheels ...the durometer says 62 76 (or 62 78 )the 62 is the inner urothane like a superball urothane...the hornet has i think like 60% more 62urothane then the hot shots.so that being the hornet is the top of the line wheel also giving you a better rebound then the hot shot . but all in all the hot shot is one great wheel in itself,anyone want to add to that.

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I believe EPuck lists the 2006 RR hornets as "Pros". Everyone seems to slap "pro"on their gear nowadays, but I think part of that naming was to show that it's different from the hornets that had the chunking and hub separation issues last year. The newer hornets have an improved hub design.

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yes the new hub design on the hornets are holding up great ,good job rink rat... my opinion is the new hornets are one of the best wheels out on the market.

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