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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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So I'm getting Orthotics

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I've been having a pronation problem so i'm getting orthotics, anybody have experience with skates, do i just stick em in there?

I want to by new skates to start fresh, do i just stick em in there?

Do i heat mold with orthotics?

Any exeperiences would be appreciated...

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hmm if you haven't gotten orthotics yet maybe you should get the skates first so your podiatrist can make orthotics based on the skates. Last thing you want to have is improper fitting $500 cdn(here anyway) orthotics on your brand new skates.

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This is the ideal...

Know what skates you are going to get, or buy them, then work with a podiatrist who knows skates and will make the orthotic for the skate and your foot. Once the orthotic is ready... take it to LHS... have skates baked, put orthotic in skate while hot - then foot.

Are you wearing them in your shoes already? Have you adjusted to the weirdness? I ask because it is an adjustment, and people who are used to wearing them in their shoes make the transition in skates better than those who try to do both shoes and skates at the same time.

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