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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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making a xxx lite in to a shaft?

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I brought a xxx lite not long ago and the blade is not far from snapping and i was wondering if it was possible to make into a tapered shaft? i have heard its not possible because of the hosel or some thing is this true,


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xxx lites are a little trickier to convert into a shaft because they're a true one piece (no fuse point). I've never converted a true one piece before but your best bet is to slowly cut/chisel your way up the shaft (starting from the bottom) until the hosel of the tapered blade fits in. Hope that helps and welcome to MSH.

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Couldn't you just cut the blade off at any point for your height, then stick the blade in the other end?

If you want a standard shaft. But it seems to me he wants it to be a tapered shaft.

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