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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jofa shin guard liners

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My dog recently ate the liner of my Jofa shin guards and I was wanting to know where I can get new ones. He only ate the inside liner the. Any suggestions?

Stupid Dog!!!

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I was airing them out and now their all chewed up like a freaking rats nest. Now I'm just waiting for him to puke it all up.

Can you help me with a liner?

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I called RBK and they said that they do not supply new liners. Which sucks becuase the shin pads are perfect and now I'm forced to have to buy another pair of shin guards. If you work for RBK and are reading this, just know that I think this sucks. Why can I get new insoles for skates and new palms for gloves but not liners?

If anyone has nay suggestions please let me know.


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I'm sorry I can't help much, but I just wanted to let you know that a Swedish on line store - TING HOCKEY (www.tinghockey.com) carry stock of them. They sell for 295 SEK/pair, wich would be approx. $39 USD.

So I guess they should be available in NA aswell...

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