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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pain in elbow

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After playing for an hour today at my rink using my normal stick (Montreal Magnum 9944C X, a woodie). I have had this stick all year and this has happened on and off. While playing I would get pains in my left elbow (right hand stick). Though the pain isn't just where the tricep meets the elbow, it is also where the bicep meets the elbow, it is worse where the bicep meets the elbow. Any solutions? is it the stick or my technique? I am not sure what flex the stick is.

The pain usually hurts the most during wristers and slappers.



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could be mild tendonitus (tennis elbow) take some anti imflamatorries and ice it. Get a compression bandage for tennis elbow and see if it helps. It never hurts to see a doctor, especially if the pain persists or gets worse.

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I had a slight case of tennis elbow last year, I noticed this when at school we got bored and threw a tennis ball as far as we could from one end of the school to the other. When ever I threw the ball, it felt like my arm was going to fly off with the ball. I saw a physio and it went away, now it has come back <_<

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Probably not relevant, but I recently had some serious elbow and muscle pain that they finally traced down to a pinched nerver in my shoulder! Do you have any range of motion issues in your shoulder?

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I am 99% sure that is what Tennis elbow is. Where a nerve in the shoulder is being pinched creating pain in your elbow, something like that. The shoulder is related. I don't have any motion issues in my shoulder.

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I am 99% sure that is what Tennis elbow is. Where a nerve in the shoulder is being pinched creating pain in your elbow, something like that. The shoulder is related. I don't have any motion issues in my shoulder.

tennis elbow is from muscle, ligament and tendon strain due to over use or repetative motion.

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Tennis elbow is where the lateral epicondyle attaches to the bone. That is basically the forearm muscle. You can have tendinitis anywhere. See a doc. If it persists and is severe enough they MAY order an MRI. Otherwise it's rest, ice, and anti-inflamatories.

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