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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TackiMac grips

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I reuse taki maks all the time, as I have broken many sticks while the grips still had plenty of life.

Roll it off from the bottom to the end, and pull it off.

Putting it on is the same but in reverse. I put a thin layer of stick tape under it, and heat it slightly after it's on. Sometimes I need to put a strip of tape around the bottom once it is in place, due to lifting, but it works as good as new.

It does take some muscle and patience.

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is there an easy way to get the double stick tape off once the grip has fallen off, other than a razor?

If carefull the double stick tape will come off like a sticker, usually fully intact.

just peel from a corner, patiently proceed and mine usually peel off clean.

BTW, I really like Tacky Maks. Not to sticky like some tapes, and maintains a consistant amount of grip through it's life, unlike tape.

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Thanks for the suggestions. I'll try them. Tacki-Macs canget a bit pricey if you happen to snap sticks. I use woodies (1XN10 w/R2 blade though) so when the blades go, so does the grip.

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Just curious, what is tacki mac grip made out of? And how long does it last? .. Will it help retain glove life longer (Such as the one90 gloves)


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Just curious, what is tacki mac grip made out of? And how long does it last? .. Will it help retain glove life longer (Such as the one90 gloves)


I don't know what it is but the company also makes golf grips. They save your gloves' palms.

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I reuse mine all the time.

I also just roll them off, and when I'm ready to put them back on I spray some hair spray on the inside and slide it right on.

Let it dry really good and it will never move.

I dont know what there made of either but they have never worn out my gloves.

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