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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Selling Memorabilia

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I have a whole load of autographed cards, pucks, jerseys, sticks, etc, that I was thinking about selling, but I have no idea where, or to find out how much most of it is actually worth. If anyone has sold this kind of stuff, where/how did you go about it?


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Hopefully you have certification for the autographs as the general consensus is that if you don't, it's worthless. I'd go about eBay as any local places will give you at best about 40%.

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Thats what I figured. I have certification on 90% of my jerseys, but basically none on cards/sticks. And of course, the jerseys that I have certification on are ones that I wouldn't want to sell, such as Emmitt Smith, Steve Young, Joe Montana, Jerry Rice.

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Where did you get most of your stuff, In Person or at Signings? I have so much signed stuff cause I used to work by Madison Square Garden and I had a friend who was an autograph hound and he would go to team hotels and junk to get stuff signed.

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