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Podcasting in the Classroom

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I've just been given an ipod with video so I can begin to do podcasting (both video and audio) as a supplement to my classes. I'm really excited about it because I teach dense, "boring" subjects (although I get off on them...lol) and think this has a lot of possibility to not only make it easier to learn stuff but also be way, way more fun.

I'm wondering what your experience has been, as students, of podcasts used with school. Or, if people are using them in the workplace, what has your experience been like as well.

The good, the bad and the ugly.... what works, what doesn't.

How is it you'd like to see them used?

I have a few very simple ideas to start with:

(these would be private - only available to enrolled students - but they could access them from anywhere and view it on an ipod or any computer with itunes.)

• video podcasts of my student's presentations - so they can see how they did and also see other group's work.

• instructional "how-to's" of the databases we use; we already do labs but this way they can "refresh their memory" when I'm not around...(lol, none of my students would ever miss a lab)

Would appreciate whatever input you have... Thanks!

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I'm a fan of them at work when we have presentations. We have satellite programs that aren't always logistically ideal to work with so this has cut down on a lot of unnecessary problems.

For students I can't see how this would be anything but an advantage solely for having the information at-hand and not having to rely on their notes or someone else's.

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They wouldn't necessarily be used right in the classroom... more as a supplement to learning before/after class.

My boss mentioned with great enthusiasm that I could podcast my lectures so students could review them later. I'm not keen on that, I think it will ruin the intimacy of the classroom where no one has to really worry about being "wrong" with an answer... that sounded good, didn't it? LOL... I can also be a titch unconventional at times and I'm not sure I'd want that on tape...LOL

My thinking was do a podcast of some of the more difficult concepts so they can either "get it" in advance of the class - freeing us up to talk about how it would be used. Or after the class, so they can "mop up" what they are lost on.

Any one have any ideas about this?

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If I could get a podcast of a class on the same day or the day after, I doubt I'd show up to that class much, especially if it was dense and boring. Thats obvious though, and I'm sure you've already addressed that.

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