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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Defense: playing the corner

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Nope, Norm you're forgeting one of the D has to join those 3 forwards chasing the puck.

Seriously, though it's hard to get a novice adult team to learn positioning without actually going into coach during practice mode and bust out the dry erase board.

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Thanks everyone!!  What you're telling me is exactly what I've been telling the guys on my three adult novice teams.  But they don't want to listen.

One suggestion you might make is if there are any "learn to play hockey" classes around, try to get guys to go to that. Having a person in an actual position of authority (which beer leaguers and most other adult teams don't) and running actual drills seems to be really effective at getting positional play to make sense.

I've occasionally suggested to some of the other guys in my local league that we should have a season where we only draft players who have been regulars at our LTP class; we'd be unbeatable. ;)

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