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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Visor Dioptry

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If the visor is spreading the front of your helmet apart, you can use some nylon washers as spacers between the helmet sides and the visor. You might need longer screws.

I just went from a flat visor back to a cage, and I can receive passes much better.

Yeah, figured that. Thank you.

I actually saw guys who have spacers whose helmets are pulled to the sides by their visors way too much. With my Bauer 5000 it's not really a problem since there's is cork thing inside of it that still keeps the helmet snug. I guess it could be a problem for other helmets that have foam for padding.

What doesn't really make sense is that the manual that came with my Oakley visor lists my Bauer 5000 as one of only three compatible helmet models (togehter with Bauer 4000 and CCM HT200. If my helmet is compatible with the visor, why the heck that visor should spreading the helmet out? My guess is because there is no real competition on the market. I want a Ray-Ban visor!

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Exactly, play a game with it and give us some feedback. I'm sure you won't have any problems.

You were right! I'm fine with my new visor now. Feels good to be better protected. Thanks.

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