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Habs vs Sabres: What happened?

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So i was watching the game with a lot of friends and a lot of beer.... Everything was loud and i couldn't hear the comments on TV. In the 3rd period, i think it was 4-2 for montreal, i clearly saw Briere picking bonk in the stomach (sorry i don't know the call in english, it's Darder in french and it's a major 5min penalty). The ref calls the penalty but Briere manage to convince the ref he was innocent... They decided to give Ryder a 2min. What the hell? 30 secs later Briere scores...

What happened there? Where referees trying to even the game up because the Sabres just had 4 penaltys? I hope not, can anybody explain what hapenned?

BTW, i saw the replay 3 times and briere clearly was guilty.

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It seemed like he or someone on the Sabres was getting a misconduct and like Hidious said he just talked his way out of it. It became a major turning point in the game as the Sabres scored like 10s later

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ya just saw that as I posted lol now it should be bring back Riberio!!!

The way Niniima looked tonight I'd strongly consider taking Ribs back

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I was at the game. The reason play stopped was because the score board stopped working. The score board stopped and play went on for about 20secc before the play was blown dead. There was no penalty on the play as no Ref had his hand up. Briere was most likely talking with the ref about the time situation concerning the buffalo player that was already in the box.

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