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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cheap Tapered Blades

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Hey I was wondering if anyone knew of any cheap tapered blades? I want to pickup either a dolomite or an AK27 and the only sticking factor is blade availability. I play outside on asphalt, something very similar to tennis court, and soon in an indoor league on wood. A graphite blade would simple be torn to bits on the first 2 surfaces, while on a wood surface i think it could hold up. My question is do they make blades like the CCM V20 or other ABS blades in a tapered mode? The only reason I dont outright buy a tapered shaft is because I dont think it is worth destroying a $50 blade each time I play for fun on asphalt.

Also if you have any thoughts on the Dolomite/Ak27 or even the Mission L2 feel free to share.

Thanks for the help

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I would go with the ak27 just because its easier to find standard wood blades and there is more of a selection. Plus, you can get a ton of abs blades in standard such as the v20s

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