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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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remembrance day "poppy pin"

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What's up guys, I havent posten on here in a while but I just had a quick question. I'm writing a paper/ presentation about remembrance day (nov.11 in Canada) but I cant seem to find any places online that sell the pins we used to get. I live in the states now and I cant remember if we used to just get them for free in school or if they were purchaseable.

If anyone has acces to them and would like to send me a few I would gladly pay shipping and a little extra for the trouble, or if anyone knows a website or somewhere that I can order them it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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Usually, you can pick them up at a restaurant or some stores, with a little donation plastic thingy to put some change in to support some veteran's foundation. Sometime you'll see a veteran or a member of the legion selling them and you pay him.

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What's up guys, I havent posten on here in a while but I just had a quick question. I'm writing a paper/ presentation about remembrance day (nov.11 in Canada) but I cant seem to find any places online that sell the pins we used to get. I live in the states now and I cant remember if we used to just get them for free in school or if they were purchaseable.

If anyone has acces to them and would like to send me a few I would gladly pay shipping and a little extra for the trouble, or if anyone knows a website or somewhere that I can order them it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

It's still al ittle early. I'd expect to see Cadets/veterans at every Mall/Grocery store in about 2 weeks or so.

PM me with your address and I will send you a couple once they are available.

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