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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pat Tillman Article in SI

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I just read the article about Pat Tillman in a recent issue of Sports Illustrated. The article gets to the core of who he was, how he effected the people around him, and ultimately how he died in friendly fire in Afghanistan. I knew nothing about the circumstances of his death until I read this article. Simply put, after you read the article you realize Pat Tillman, a soldier, died for his country because his country was trying to save a HumVee that was disabled. That is the bottom line truth on how he died. The other sickening realization is that somewhere is a US Ranger who put the three bullets in his forehead that killed him. My question is if US Rangers are the elite fighting force in the US Army, how can a highly trained marksman not be able to discern that the person he was shooting at was a US Ranger and not Taliban? Or did the shooter know? It is a very haunting article. Find it and read it.

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